You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.2. Debtors - Debtors Transaction Processing > Debtors Transaction Processing - Debtor Banking > Selecting an Undeposited Funds Account
Selecting an Undeposited Funds Account

The Debtor Banking screen displays all manual payment transactions in a selected Undeposited Funds account.  The transactions are sorted and summed by daily payment type totals.

To select the Undeposited Funds account containing the transactions to be banked:


Micronet displays the Debtor Banking screen.

  1. In the Undeposited Funds Account field, press Tab or Enter.

Micronet displays the Account Selection screen showing all accounts with an Account Type of Undeposited Funds.

  1. Select the relevant Undeposited Funds account and press Enter.

Micronet redisplays the Debtor Banking screen showing all manual payment transactions in the selected account that are yet to be banked.


Technical Tip

If Micronet displays a warning that only one instance of Debtor Banking can be open at a time, it means that another user currently has the same Undeposited Funds account loaded in Debtor Banking. You will not be able to load that account until the other user exits Debtor Banking.

This screen displays the following details:





Account Balance

The current balance of payments now banked in the Undeposited Funds account.

The account balance displayed here should always equal the YTD balance of the Undeposited Funds GL account in the General Ledger.



The total of any payment types selected for deposit in Debtor Banking screen.


Cheques Selected

The total of any cheque payment types selected for deposit in the Debtor Banking screen.


Reference / Register

Where the payment was generated - either a warehouse number or cash register number.

This reference will change depending on the sort selected (as described below).



The type of customer payment, e.g. cash or cheque.


Previous Held

The total amount held in Undeposited Funds yet to be banked.


Current Held

Payments made before running End of Day on the cash register.


Previous Post

Payments move here after running End of Day on the cash register.


Current Post

The amount selected for banking. These amounts print on the Bank Deposit Slip.

You can view the payment types by either warehouse number or cash register number. To change the order in which the payment types are viewed:

  1. Select SORT then select either REGISTER or REFERENCE.

Micronet displays the transactions sorted by your preference.

Debtor Banking sorted by Register


Technical Tip

The initial default sort is set to Warehouse. However, Micronet will remember the last sort selected in the Debtor Banking screen after a Bank Deposit Slip has been printed and default this selection the next time you access Debtor Banking.